Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Second Job? More money will solve my problems right???

This is probably one of the most common questions asked when people are trying to take the right step to settling their finances. I have thought this over numerous times and I still have yet to get a second job. Is it right for you... I don't know... but this is what I have considered. Over the next week or so I will be going over some of the options of getting a 2nd job or avoiding the commitment.

1. Time! Time is so limited anyway if you are working a 40+ hour a week job. This might be different for people who do odd jobs, or work a part time job with no option of getting additional hours. For me I work 40-43 hours a week. My Fiancé Brittany works 20-30 hours a week and goes to school full time. We have time together right now but sometimes it just isn't enough! You know the feeling right? Is sacrificing time with family or loved ones worth a few extra dollars? Maybe temporarily but I would never recommend it as a full time solution. Maybe we need to adjust your spending budget?

Along with time, what do you value your worth? For myself I feel my time is worth at least $12-15 an hour if I am going to be cutting into family time or even ME time. We all know how important ME time is. If I am working for less than I feel I am worth... does that make me feel worthless? Not quite but close. I would constantly wonder what else I could be doing with my time.

My current solution:

Right now I get off work around 4:00 pm. Brittany is off work around 5:30 - 6:00. The plasma donation center is about 5-10 minutes away from work and isn't much out of my way home. It takes 1-1.5 hours per donation and I can donate 2 times a week totaling $55. 3 hours max = $18 an hour not bad right? It is also tax free cash. I donate twice a week 2 times a month for an extra $110 a month. This can go as far to covering overages on the budget, chipping away at debt, or even a little fun money. This is done all in time to make it home in time to be with my Fiancé.

There are many solutions to picking up the extra cash. It can come from many sources such as recycling the pop cans in your house. Buying/selling on craigslist or eBay. We all have too much clutter. Why not make a few extra dollars getting rid of it? Last year I made a profit of $500 with about 1 hour of my time. I was browsing the Computer section (IT is my specialty) on craigslist and found some business class hardware for $1 a piece. I was able to take it home, test it, clean it up, and flip on eBay for some quick cash. Think about what your specialty is, and see if you can do the same. A lot of handymen do the same with different tools, and I know someone who picks up older China at auctions and sells them on eBay for profit. This is done with the family and eBaying at home giving you plenty of time to enjoy yourself.

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